Monday, August 9, 2010

The Spirit of God in Worship

Went to Harvest Vineyard Missions Ministries to visit my daughter yesterday, I stay for Church with her. I just love seeing the work of God with these men and women. You can feel with Holy Spitit during worship,and its amazing. I am praying that this place expands and grows, and I know it will with the move of God on them. To see that all of the men and women their love church and love God, wether they new God before they got there or not.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

H arvest Vineyard Missions Had a Beach Baptism.

One evening the took the men and women to a near by beach for a baptism service, they had so much fun,and all of the girls were baptized.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Harvest Vineyard Missions Recovery Center

     Harvest Vineyard Missions is a non-profit,residental Christian-based recovery center in Crestview Florida.  They seek to connect struggling lives with the Love and Power of Jesus Christ, in order to see them transforned into passionate worshipers of God.
     Through spirit-led personal ministry and discipleship environment, they are able to break down walls and demolish chains of bondage, rebuilding broken lives, by clothing, feeding and making a difference in the lives of hurting people.
     They show them, through the Love of God, and the study of His Word, and a sincere desire to change. it can and will occur.  They are ask to commite one year for restoration.
     They have wonderful Spiritual Christian Counselors, they are firm but also compassionate. It is ok if you can't pay, you will still be welcome.